About Us
Where praising God is our most important and primary purpose/goal.
Where worshiping God is the key to everything.
Where praising God brings:
- Salvation
- Deliverance
- Restoration
- Redemption
Where people will strive to live for God through righteousness and holiness
We at Praise Tabernacle Church of God will focus on:
- Praise is the heart of God
- Worship is the way to get God’s attention
- Word is the guide of life to get you to your destination.
- Prayer is the Key to get to your destiny and purpose for God’s plan for your life.
- The application of God’s word in our daily lives.
- The power of the Holy Spirit given to all born again believers
- A teachable spirit
- Excellence in all we do
- Prayer is the Key
- Worship is the way to the Father
- Simplicity
- The church of God as the body of Christ
- The lost and spiritually challenged souls
- Hospitality
- Friendliness and Warmth
- Servant Leadership
- Giving
- Commitment
- Gratitude
We believe that the bible is the word of God, Completely inspired, infallible and the final authority on all matters of doctrine and faith. II Timothy 3: 16-17
The bible is a Divine revelation from God through men possessed by the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Divine Trinity. We believe there is one God existing in three persons.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe there is one God, the Father Almighty the creator of all things.
Matthew 3: 16-17. John 1: 1-4
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God.
He is the second person in the God head of the Triune God head.
We believe that Jesus Christ is eternal in His Person.
He was there in the beginning of creation with God.
We believe that He was born of the Virgin Mary according to the scriptures.
We believe that He came to redeem man from sin and to reconcile us back to God.
John 1: 1-14, Isaiah 9: 6, Hebrews 4:14-15.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity.
Equal in power and Glory. Together with the Father and son to be believed in, worshipped and obeyed. The Holy Spirit is a gift to all believers to equip and empower them in their work of the ministry. Acts 1: 8. 8:39
We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in all believers and through the baptism of the Holy Spirit believers are empowered and anointed for service and ministering.
Speaking in tongues as the spirit gives utterance is a direct result of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2: 34-39, Joel 2: 28
We believe that man was created in the image of God to be holy.
We believe that man sinned through the act of disobedience.
Man therefore must be restored to his state of holiness by being born again.
Confessing and forsaking his sins. Then ask for forgiveness.
Genesis 1: 26, Romans 6: 23, St. John 3:7
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith. No amount of good works will bring justification before God. To receive salvation, we must acknowledge our sins and repent from them. We must believe that Christ died our sins and that he rose again.
We must confess Him as our Lord and Savior.
Ephesians 2: 8-10, Acts 3:19, Romans 5: 11.
We believe in sanctification as being set aside for God’s work. To be consecrated unto God in holiness and purity. Separated for God’s service.
John 3: 8-9.
We believe in divine in divine healing through faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
Divine Healing by faith in God has scriptural support and authority.
Healing by faith is one of the finished work of Christ on the cross as not only did he bore our sins but our sicknesses as well. We as believers also minister healing to others in the name of Jesus Christ by laying of hands and anointing with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5:14, Isaiah 53: 4-5, Acts 4:30
We believe in water baptism as instructed by Christ. We believe that water baptism is an outward act of obedience. Once a believer is a born again and has accepted Jesus Chris as his/her personal savior. We believe in immersion as it closely represents the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. That after water baptism we come out sanctified and purified for the master’s use.
Matthew 28: 19-20, Acts 2: 34-41, Romans 6: 4.
We believe the Lord’s supper is for believers. The believer by faith enters into a special union with Jesus Christ through this act of obedience.
This he commanded that we should do in His remembrance until He returns.
1 Corinth 11: 28-32, Matthew 26: 26-28
We believe in eternal life for believers. That the eternal life in heaven is the reward for all who believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.
John 5:24. John 3:16.
And eternal punishment for unbelievers. Rev.20: 10-15, Rev. 21:18.
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back. The second coming of Jesus Christ.
The reign of His millennial kingdom in the new heaven and new earth as promised long ago through His prophets.
Matthew 24:42, Acts 3:19-21, Revelation 11:15, 1st Thessalonians 4: 13-18.
Rebecca Akinmurele
Olumide John Akinmurele
Prophet Olumide J. Akinmurele is an anointed prophet of God. He is an accountant by training, an Auditor and a Mortgage Consultant.
He is an Apostolic Prophet with a higher mandate on prophetic ministry. He believes that Praise and Worship is the heart of God.
He believes fervently that the word of God and prayer is the key. He wants people to come to their purpose in life by working for God. He also believe that they will achieve their dream of economic empowerment by focusing on their service to God.
Prophet Olumide Akinmurele is married to Rebecca Akinmurele, and they are blessed with five children. A spiritual father and mentor to many. A teacher of the word. He is an Apostolic Prophet and God used him to start Praise Tabernacle Church of God.